Important Dates and School District Calendars


LWSD Calendars


  • First Day of School: September 5, 2023

  • Last Day of School: June 21, 2024

Explain the Days to Me: a publication that explains the different types of days offered in your contract.

Wednesday LEAP Calendar: In an effort to make time available for educators in specialized unique areas to meet and collaborate, the District and Association have developed Designated Group LEAP days. These days will be set at the beginning of the year and will utilize the Team LEAP days.

For additional information and actual contract language, look it up in the LWEA-LWSD CBA.

The timeline below is provided to help remind you of important due dates that are outlined in the LWEA-LWSD CBA.

Each Year

  • Each year the building will use the decision making model (DMM) to determine the strucutre and distribhution of stipends/release-time (Appendix B)
  • Each year comprehensive high schools will use the building's DMM to determine how 3 Staff Chairperson I stipends will be used. (Article 12)
  • Each year secondary certificated staff will review the design of the school's Personalization Model; any changes should be made through the building's DMM. (Appendix R)
  • Each year the building leadership team will use the building's DMM to plan the content and presenation of Wednesday LEAP time in collaboration with the district, building principals, teacher leaders, and school staff. (Note: 4 days per year will be designated as district-wide days for specialists to meet — these dates are September 23, December 9, March 3, and April 21.) (Article 9)
  • Each year secondary staff will use their building's DMM to determine how to use of the 30 minutes of IA time per FTE classroom teacher per week. (Article 13)
  • Each year library media specialists, using budget review processes and timelines at the building and district level, will identify and prioritize resources needed to support the building's continuous improvement process (CIP). (Article 13)
  • Each year, an educator may request to review their building file with their principal and remove anything that both parties agree is no longer pertinent. (Article 16)
  • Each year principals will meet with certificated staff to review and/or make recommendations regarding building disciplinary standards and proecudures. (Article 18)
  • Each year certificated staff will recieve a list of stipends allocated to the building. Interested staff should notify the principal of their interest. (Article 20)


  • Educators will work 5 scheduled LEAP days in August. Activities will include building meetings and classroom preparation. (Article 9)
  • LWEA building reps should be elected and names submitted to the LWEA office.
  • The voluntary transfer and reassignment list expires on August 1. (Article 23)


  • Kinder teachers hold Family Connections meetings. (Article 13) LWSD Calendar
  • By September 15, a group meeting will be held between each school principal and certificated staff to review and discuss the evaluation process. (Article 26)
  • By September 30, all staff will complete the district-determined evaluation self-assessment. (Article 26)


  • In October Elementary PE and music specialists, including itinerant specialists, will review the schedule and resources with the principal to address scheduling and resource issues. (Article 13)
  • On the first school day of October, remedies are calculated for elementary split classes and elementary and secondary classes that exceed the class size limits and Sp Ed Pre-12, ELL, and OT/PT/SLP caseloads that exceed the specified limits. Remedies go into effect the following Monday. (Article 13)
  • By October 1, individual employees must file with Human Resources educational credits for advancement on the salary schedule, or October 15 if hired after first day of school, or within 30 days, whichever is later. (Article 20 LOU)
  • By October 1, building principals will seek input from interested staff regarding the building budget. (Article 10)
  • By October 1, each building's leadership team, principal, and specialists will create a plan for predictable and equitable assignments when no substitutes are available during teacher absences. (Article 12)
  • By October 1, the Special Education director and representatives from each special education specialist group will develop a plan for coverage for all special education specialists incurring absences of more than 10 consecutive school days. (Article 13)
  • By October 1, a committee of teachers chosen by the staff and teachers designated as leaders (e.g. leadership team and/or staff representatives) will meet with the principal to provide input regarding the scheduling, duration, and content of staff meetings. This information will be shared with all staff. (Article 14)
  • By October 1, the Special Education Department will provide a training on Guidance Team Procedures Materials for all teachers and specialits. (Appendix P)
  • Half-day elementary conferences will be held in October. Classroom teachers with a class load greater than 21 will receive elementary conference pay. (Article 13) LWSD Calendar
  • By October 15, at least 3 opportunities will be scheduled during the school year for Sp. Ed. staff to collaborate with Regular Ed teachers regarding selected students identified at the building level. (Appendix P)
  • By October 15, a plan will be developed by the principal or designee and the guidance team regarding coverage of IA and para-educator absences. (Article 13)


  • By November 1, evaluators will meet individually with employees regarding the Professional Growth and Evaluation (PGE) system. (Article 26)
  • By November 1, collaborative PGE support teams are formed. (Article 26)
  • Secondary grades are due for Quarter 1. LWSD Calendar
  • By November 15, copies of the final building budget and carryover funds will be presented to interested staff for discussion. (Article 10)
  • By November 15 a written plan will be prepared by each school's building leadership team regard the use of the funds allocated as "additional support for high school graduation." (Article 13)
  • Within the first 90 calendar days of employment, new employees will be observed by their evaluators . (Article 26)


  • On the first school day of December, remedies are calculated for elementary split classes and elementary and secondary classes that exceed the class size limits and Sp Ed Pre-12, ELL, and OT/PT/SLP caseloads that exceed contractual limits. (Article 13)


  • In January Elementary PE and music specialists, including itinerant specialists, will review the schedule and resources with the principal to address scheduling and resource issues. (Article 13)
  • Prior to January 15, LWSD-LWEA will jointly inform employees of the transfer and reassignment procedures.
  • Elementary grades are due. LWSD Calendar
  • Half-day elementary conferences will be held in January. Classroom teachers with a class load greater than 21 will receive elementary conference pay. (Article 13) LWSD Calendar
  • By the last Friday in January, secondary teachers must submit requests for leaves of absence and job shares are due in HR. (Article 19)


  • On the first school day of February, remedies are calculated for elementary and secondary classes, and for ELL, OT/PT/SLP, and Sp Ed caseloads that exceed contractual limits. (Article 13)
  • Secondary grades are due for Semester 1. LWSD Calendar


  • Prior to the first Friday of March, requests for transfer and reassignment must be filed with HR. (Article 23)
  • By the first Friday in March, elementary teachers must submit requests for leaves of absence and job shares are due in HR. (Article 19)
  • On the first Friday in March, voluntary transfer and reassignment list becomes active. (Article 23)


  • On the first school day of April, remedies are calculated for elementary and secondary classes, and for ELL, OT/PT/SLP, and Sp Ed caseloads that exceed the contractual limits. (Article 13)
  • Secondary grades are due for Quarter 3. LWSD Calendar


  • Positions not filled by the district by May 15 with continuing contracts will be considered vacant positions for the purpose of transfers for the following year. (Article 23)


  • Prior to June 1, educators should meet individually with their evaluator to review PGE documentation/evidence and growth goals. (Article 26)
  • By June 1, educators will recieve their final summative evaluations. (Article 26)
  • Elementary grades are due. Secondary grades are due for Semester 2. LWSD Calendar
  • By June 30, educators wishing to carry over unused annual leave must notify Payroll in writing in order to prevent an automatic cash-out of remaining days. (Article 19)
  • By June 30, educators who wish to be released from a signed contract must submit a letter of resignation to Human Resource. After July 1, an employee may only be released when a replacement can be obtained. (Article 26)