Salary Information

MoneyDo you know how much money you make?

Knowing and understanding your rate of pay is important. Below you will find the current salary schedules, a total compensation chart and information about how to read your "paycheck" (direct deposit statement). Take a moment each month to review this important information and contact us if you need help deciphering what it all means.

Total Compensation 2023-24

Total Compensation 2022-23

Total Compensation 2021-22

The Total Compensation document shows your actual salary with adjustments made for minimum base salary requirements as outlined in state law.

Salary Schedule 2023-24

Salary Schedule 2022-23

Salary Schedule 2021-22

The Salary Schedule document shows the locally bargained base prior to the state minimum adjustment being applied. Please see the footnote # for cells that are impacted on the schedule.

Appendix C, Substitutes 23-24

Appendix D, Stipends 23-24

Know Your Paycheck

How to Read Your Paycheck

There are many different boxes on your electronic pay stub. This document will help you make sense of these terms so that you can check the accuracy of your monthly pay.