LWEA Members have the opportunity to unite with a common voice to support a great public education system for all of our students! This happens at the local, state, and national level. LWEA members, if you have an interest in getting involved with LWEA's political action network, reach out to WEA PAC chair Shaina Langley.
We encourage members to stay in the know by checking out the WEA Our Voice blog and signing up for regular text updates from WEA about bills that impact students through funding, accountability, and other measures that direct local school districts' actions.
No School Vouchers
- A voucher initiative is likely to show up on the ballot in Washignton state in the next year. Voucher schemes have been extremely destructive across the United States. We must stand against vouchers. Learn more about why.
Vote No on I-2019
- If I-2019 passes, public school funding will be devastated. We can't afford to lose $2.2 billion in funding. Learn more about why.