Welcome to the LWEA!
The Lake Washington Education Association (LWEA) takes great pride in serving the needs of our members. We are you. We are the totality of our more than 2,000 members: the teachers, counselors, library media specialists, school psychologists, SLPs, OTs, PTs, and other Support Specialists of the Lake Washington School District. We understand that our students' learning conditions are our members' working conditions. Through your Representative Assembly, Executive Committee, and Competency Teams and Committees (made up of members who volunteer their time to support their members), we do the work of our Association. If you are not already a member, please accept our invitation to become a member of LWEA. If you are currently a member, please accept our thanks for all you do to support our students and our community. Membership enrollment forms are available from the LWEA building reps at your school or by contacting the LWEA office or online. On this website, you will find a variety of information describing how LWEA works and how you can become an active participant. In addition, we have information regarding various aspects of your employment - salary schedules, calendars, leaves, student discipline, an explanation of the days in your working calendar, and LWEA/WEA-sponsored professional development. Once again, welcome to our community of educators. We look forward to working with you to make our schools the best they can be for all our students, and to make your teaching experience in the Lake Washington School District a successful and positive one. Please feel free to call on us, your building reps, your Executive Committee members, and the staff of LWEA if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you. Katie Badger, President
Rojine Rudio, Vice President
PS - Here are some links to other pages on our site that you might find helpful.