The Value of Membership
LWEA is an organization of more than 2,000 certificated education professionals in the Lake Washington School District, including classroom teachers, psychologists, counselors, substitutes, OTs, PTs, SLPs, library media specialists, education support specialists, and more.
We protect and advocate for the rights of our members; assist our members in resolving conflicts or seeking answers to questions; offer advice and listen to our members concerns. It is our responsibility to negotiate with the school district on behalf of our members in relation to wages, hours, and working conditions.
As a member of LWEA, you are also a member of the state-level organization, Washington Education Association (WEA), and the national-level organization, National Education Association (NEA). In our publication, What is the Association? you can see how each of these organizations supports each other and you.
Throughout the LWEA website, you will find information and links to publications that describe how your local association works and how you can become an active participant. Check out the links below for more information.
- What is the Association
- Your Contractual Rights
- Salary Information
- Who is My Building Rep?
- NEA Complimentary Life Insurance
- Professional Development
- WEA Attorney Referral Program
Our democratic structure increases in effectiveness as members’ ideas, direction, and involvement increase. Representative Assembly is the monthly meeting where elected reps from each building discuss issues, make policy, and develop programs. Any LWEA member may attend these meetings.
Knowing your contractual rights and responsibilities as well as connecting with your building rep are great first steps to becoming informed and active in the association. LWEA works when you and your colleagues get involved.