Washington Education Association
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LWEA Update Archives
Update 2023-24
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Lake Washington EA
LWEA Update
LWEA Update Archives
Update 2017-18
Update 2017-18
LWEA Update Archives
Update 2023-24
Update 2022-23
Update 2021-22
Update 2020-21
Update 2019-20
Update 2018-19
Update 2017-18
Update 2016-17
Update 6-13-18
End-of-the-year bits and pieces you might need!
Update 5-23-18
Salary Ratification Meeting - June 6
Update 5-16-18
Good idea to review those building files!
Update 5-9-18
From WEA President Kim Mead
Update 5-2-18
What do I do with my clock hours?
Update 4-25-18
WEA wraps up another successful Representative Assembly
Update 4-18-18
Make sure your students are always supervised
Update 4-11-18
Why union? Here's why!
Update 3-28-18
Governor signs McCleary budget for 2018-19
Update 3-21-18
NEA members reject proposals to arm teachers
Update 3-14-18
March for our lives
Update 3-7-18
Be sure to complete the Strategic Planning Survey
Update 2-28-18
Update 2-21-18
How many more will it take?
Update 2-7-18
10 things to know about the bond and levies
Update 1-31-18
Levy failure would cot the district $63.5 million
Update 1-24-18
LWEA contract will be reponed if levy fails
Update 1-17-18
Looking for Professional Development? LWEA can help!
Update 1-10-18
Thinking about a transfer, reassignment, job share, or leave?
Update 12-13-17
A world of good wishes
Update 12-6-17
Student discipline - here's what you need to know
Update 11-29-17
New contract refresher
Update 11-15-17
Supreme Court rules on McCleary
Update 11-9-17
Levy and Bond meetings start today
Update 11-1-17
Supreme Court hears McCleary Update
Update 10-25-17
Confused about your raise?
Update 10-18-17
School Board approves levy and bond measures for February 13 ballot
Update 10-11-17
Spread the word - LWSD is still looking for subs!
Update 10-4-17
Here's everything you need to know about the Professional Fund
Update 9-27-17
You're getting a nice raise on Friday!
Update 9-20-17
Ever wonder what the role of a building rep is?
Update 9-13-17
Confused about the extra 30 minutes?
Update 9-6-17
Now is a good time to review your benefits!
Update 8-29-17
Welcome back!